Critical Insurance


Critical Illness Insurance: Protecting Your Financial Health

Critical illness insurance provides a crucial safety net in the face of unforeseen medical conditions. When diagnosed with a covered condition such as a heart attack, cancer, stroke, paralysis, and more, this insurance offers a tax-free lump sum benefit. To qualify, you need to survive for 30 days following the diagnosis (unless a different survival period is specified) of one of the illnesses covered by the plan.

Have you considered the financial impact a critical illness could have on you and your family? A critical illness can lead to immediate financial challenges, including:

  • Absence from Work: Time away from your job during your illness and recovery can disrupt your income.
  • Cost of Home Care: Medical conditions might necessitate home care expenses, which can add up during your recovery.
  • Treatment Abroad or Uncovered Costs: Medical procedures or treatments not fully covered under provincial health plans could incur significant expenses.
  • Children's Education: A critical illness might impact your ability to contribute to your children's education funds.
  • Early Retirement: Suffering a critical illness might force an early retirement, affecting your long-term financial plans.

Facing these challenges without financial support can be overwhelming. Critical illness insurance steps in to provide you and your family with much-needed financial stability during such trying times. Protect your future and that of your loved ones by considering critical illness insurance as an integral part of your financial strategy.

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7171 Torbram Road, Unit 5, Mississauga, ON, L4T 3W4